

Firm city

AlphaValueLoco DouzaParis
Bank of AmericaArnaud LehmannLondon
Barclays Tom Zhang London
BerenbergHarry GoadLondon
BloombergSonia BaldeiraLondon
CIC Market solutions Ebrahim Homani Paris
Citi Investment ResearchEphrem RaviLondon
Data Based Analysis Michael BettsLondon
Davy StockbrokersRoss HarveyDublin
Deutsche BankJonathan BellLondon
DZ BANK Thorsten ReigberFrankfurt
Exane BNP ParibasPaul RogerLondon
Goldman SachsPierre De FraguierParis
Goodbody StockbrokersKate McCarthy Dublin
HSBC Brijesh SiyaBangalore
J.P. Morgan Elodie RallLondon
JefferiesGlynis JohnsonLondon
Kepler Cheuvreux Luis PrietoMadrid
Landesbank Baden-WürttembergVolker StollStuttgart
MetzlerThomas Schulte-VorwickFrankfurt
Morgan StanleyCedar EkblomLondon
MorningstarMatthew DonenAmsterdam
Oddo Sven EdelfeltParis
On Field InvestmentYassine TouahriLondon
RBC Capital MarketsAnthony CodlingLondon
Redburn AtlanticHarry DowLondon
StifelTobias WoernerLondon
UBSGregor KuglitschLondon


To the best of our knowledge, the following institutions and sell-side analysts cover Heidelberg Materials on a regular basis. Heidelberg Materials cannot give any assurance that the list is complete. We update the list periodically, but undertake no obligation to do so.

Any opinions, estimates, or forecasts made by these analysts on Heidelberg Materials' performance are not opinions, estimates, or forecasts of Heidelberg Materials or its management. By providing the names of the analysts, Heidelberg Materials does not imply its endorsement of or concurrence with their reports, conclusions or recommendations.

This list is provided for information only and does not constitute a solicitation to buy, hold, or sell securities.