Earnings per share in accordance with IAS 33 for the 2023 financial year was €10.43 (previous year: 8.45). 2022 2023 Profit attributable to Heidelberg Materials AG shareholders in €m 1,596.6 1,928.9 Number of shares in ’000s (weighted average) 189,028 185,008 Earnings per share in € 8.45 10,43 Net income from continuing operations in €m – attributable to the parent entity 1,605.7 2,032.5 Earnings per share in € – continuing operations 8.49 10.99 Net income/loss from discontinued operations in €m – attributable to the parent entity -9.1 –103.5 Loss per share in € – discontinued operations -0.05 –0.56 Share Share Price CenterEarnings per ShareDividendAnalyst CoverageShareholder Structure2024 Share Buyback2021 Share Buyback