Euro Bonds
For long-term borrowing in the capital market, Heidelberg Materials has issued a EUR 10 billion European Medium Term Note (EMTN) Programme. Under this programme, Heidelberg Materials has issued the following bonds listed below.
European Medium Term Note (EMTN) Programme
Heidelberg Materials has the option of issuing notes up to a total volume of EUR 10 billion under its EMTN programme. The programme has been issued by Heidelberg Materials AG (formerly: HeidelbergCement AG) and Heidelberg Materials Finance Luxembourg S.A. (formerly: HeidelbergCement Finance Luxembourg S.A.)
Heidelberg Materials AG EUR 500 Million, 3.375% Green Eurobond 2024/2031
ISIN XS2904554990, WKN A383RS
Heidelberg Materials AG EUR 700 Million, 3.95% Green Eurobond 2024/2034
ISIN XS2842061421, WKN A383EX
Leading in sustainable financing: Heidelberg Materials places Green Bond, 13 June 2024
Heidelberg Materials Finance Luxembourg S.A. EUR 750 Million, 4.875% sustainability-linked Eurobond 2023/2033
ISIN XS2721465271, WKN A3LQ42
Heidelberg Materials AG EUR 750 Million, 3.75% sustainability-linked Eurobond 2023/2032
ISIN XS2577874782, WKN A30V5U
Heidelberg Materials Finance Luxembourg S.A. EUR 650 Million, 2.500% Eurobond 2020/2024
ISIN XS2154336338, WKN A28VU6
Press release: HeidelbergCement issues Eurobond with a volume of €650 million, 2 April 2020
Heidelberg Materials Finance Luxembourg S.A. EUR 750 Million, 1.125% Eurobond 2019/2027
ISIN XS2018637327, WKN A2R37Q
Press release: HeidelbergCement issues a Eurobond, 19 June 2019
Heidelberg Materials Finance Luxembourg S.A. EUR 750 Million, 1.750% Eurobond 2018/2028
ISIN XS1810653540, WKN A19ZL2
Press release: HeidelbergCement issues a Eurobond, 16 April 2018
Heidelberg Materials Finance Luxembourg S.A. EUR 500 Million, 1.500% Eurobond 2017/2027
ISIN XS1629387462, WKN A19JXW
Press release: HeidelbergCement issues a Eurobond, 7 June 2017
Heidelberg Materials Finance Luxembourg S.A. EUR 1 Billion, 1.625% Eurobond 2017/2026
ISIN XS1589806907, WKN A19FK2
Press release: HeidelbergCement issues a Eurobond, 28 March 2017
Heidelberg Materials AG EUR 1 Billion, 1.50% Eurobond 2016/2025
ISIN XS1529515584, WKN A2BPCS
Press release: HeidelbergCement issues a Eurobond with a volume of €1 billion, 28 November 2016