A long bridge with multiple arches spans over a river. The bridge has a series of identical, evenly spaced supports and a flat roadway on top with railings on either side.

A 1.8 km engineering marvel over the Padma River

The Lalon Shah Bridge (Pakshey Bridge) over the river Padma at Pakshey-Bheramara point is a pre-stressed concrete bridge that opened to traffic in May 2004.

It is one of Bangladesh’s longest bridges, connecting the country’s southwestern and northwestern regions, and making trade easier with India and Nepal through Mongla Port. The 1.8 kilometre long bridge was built parallel to the Hardinge Railway Bridge.

China's Major Bridge Engineering Company was awarded the tender for constructing the bridge and ScanCement from HeidelbergCement Bangladesh was used exclusively. A total of 65,000 tonnes of cement was used for the construction work.

Project Data

  • Major Bridge Engineering


  • 2004



Pakshey-Bheramara (Bangladesh)
A long bridge with multiple arches spans over a river. The bridge has a series of identical, evenly spaced supports and a flat roadway on top with railings on either side.

Lalon Shah Bridge, Bangladesh. Lalon Shah Bridge, Bangladesh