Member of the Managing Board

Area of responsibility: Africa-Mediterranean-Western Asia, Heidelberg Materials Trading.
Member of the Managing Board since 2016; appointed until 31 January 2029

Personal Data

Place of birth: Istanbul, Turkey
Date of birth: 21 January 1968
Marital status: married, two children


Hakan Gurdal studied mechanical engineering at the Yildiz Technical University in Istanbul and holds an MBA International Management from the University of Istanbul.


Hakan Gurdal joined Çanakkale Çimento (today part of the joint venture Akçansa) in 1992. He was appointed to the Managing Board on 1 February 2016 and was responsible for the Africa-Eastern Mediterranean Group area from April 2016. In January 2024, he also assumed responsibility for Kazakhstan and Russia; the Group area was renamed Africa-Mediterranean-Western Asia. Additionally, he is in charge of Heidelberg Materials Trading.

Hakan Gurdal in a dark suite and a light blue shirt