Biodiversity management in quarries
HeidelbergCement publishes new handbook
Increasing the ecological value of quarries by promoting biodiversity. This is what the new biodiversity handbook, published by HeidelbergCement in mid-December, is about. It replaces the biodiversity guideline published in 2010 and is to be applied throughout the whole Group.
The handbook provides a practical approach for the sustainable extraction of raw materials. Consistent standards for the creation of habitats as well as for the development and implementation of Biodiversity Management Plans support the responsible employees in their work. Especially Biodiversity Management Plans are “a key tool for managing biodiversity risks, as well as enhancing the diversity of local flora and fauna,” says Dr. Carolyn Jewell.
The data provided in the handbook are based on the research outputs resulting from the past three editions of the Quarry Life Award, a contest by HeidelbergCement for promoting biodiversity. You will find many practical examples of successful biodiversity management on the websites of the Quarry Life Award and our parter BirdLife International.